Counterfeit Adrop again!

An article, titled “How beautiful is that poisoned apple,” was published in “The Friday” supplement of La Repubblica newspaper on Sept. 13, 2019. The subtitle reads, “Harmful to health, and therefore banned, in the Agro Pontino illegal pesticides are used by many farmers to obtain fruits and vegetables almost on command, report.” In the article authored by Angelo Mastrandrea and Marco Omizzolo, reference was made to, among others, a phytoregulatory product called “Adrop.”

A can of “Adrop” with a label indicating our company was, in addition, depicted in the photograph inserted and published on the first page of that article.

Another photograph of the same can of “Adrop,” also marked L. Gobbi, appeared in the summary of the same supplement.

In reality, and in fact:

(a) L. Gobbi has not produced and marketed the phytoregulator “Adrop” since 2009;

(b) since May 2013, and most recently and again last April, our company has reported and denounced to the relevant authorities the illicit dissemination and marketing in some areas, and particularly in Sicily and Lazio, of product packages with the name “Adrop” and the indication L. Gobbi.

It was and is therefore and nothing more than a manifest and illicit counterfeit, to the detriment of L. Gobbi and of which our company is certainly not the author.

All this was promptly pointed out and clarified by us, through our lawyers, to the authors of the article and to the newspaper, which, again at our request, published in the October 4, 2019 “The Friday” supplement an article of correction.

Within this framework, we nonetheless and below quote the two articles in question.

And at the same time, we urge everyone not to be complicit in these illegal behaviors, and therefore not to buy counterfeit products.