Important Communiqué (March 22, 2021)

It has come to our attention that since March 2021, in the provinces of Bari and Taranto, two liquid phytoregulators called “Adrop L” and “36 C type B” have appeared on the market, and to the best of our knowledge are now being used by farmers, both bearing the name of L. Gobbi as the manufacturer on their labels.

In this regard we should point out that our Society:

(a) has never produced and marketed the product called “Adrop L.”

(b) has ceased producing and marketing the product “36 C type B” for more than eleven years, following the withdrawal of the relevant authorization by the competent authorities since July 26, 2009;

and this except for limited periods and as a result of provisional permits lasting one hundred and twenty days each, which were issued by the same Authorities for exceptional uses and only in the years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018.

While we reserve every right and every action, in all relevant venues, to protect our rights and interests :

(a) We emphasize that these are counterfeit products and not from our Company;

(b) We warn anyone against marketing and using these products;

(c) We disclaim, however and obviously, any and all responsibility.

Campo Ligure (GE), March 22, 2021.