Asperium is an inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi that applied to soil or substrates promotes high biological activity and subsequent root system development. In the subacid environment, it promotes the development of fungi beneficial to plants including those belonging to the genus Trichoderma. These fungi have the ability to improve the environment explored by roots favoring their health, growth and functionality.
The genus Trichoderma is one of the most important of the fungi useful to plants and is capable of exerting its activity in different ways.
The various strains of trichoderma fed on Asperium produce special substances capable of increasing plant robustness and vitality. They also possess phytostimulant activity that is expressed through the production of hormone-like substances useful for plant development.
Asperium demobilizes some of the insoluble phosphorus in the soil, making it available to the plant, and degrades organic residues. Optimal PH 6-6.5.