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BORO KB19 is a product consisting of 19% Boron, an essential trace element for the production process of all plants. A fair potassium content improves the uptake and utilization of the same boron.

BORO KB19 is totally water-soluble and sodium-free.




Boro (B) solubile in acqua 19,4 %


20 x 1 kg
4 x 5 kg
2 x 10 kg

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PREVENTS AND CURES BORON DEQUENCES BORO KB19 is an innovative, totally water-soluble formulation that provides boron and potassium for foliar and root applications and is sodium-free.
The presence of potassium improves the uptake and utilization of boron itself. BORO KB19 is used for the prevention and treatment of boron deficiencies, including those induced by abnormal soil conditions (excess or deficient water, etc.). Boron is an element that is generally not very mobile, and it is therefore possible that, even on gifted soils and precisely at the times of greatest need,
deficiencies may occur. The product applied in a timely manner makes it possible to prevent its deficiency. Boron is essential for the production process of all plants; in fact, it stimulates the elongation of the pollen tube and regulates cell multiplication, thus allowing the regular course of the entire reproductive phenomenon. Its presence therefore ensures abundant and homogeneous fruiting. Boron intervenes in the metabolism of sugars by allowing their accumulation, it participates in the formation of fats and is therefore very important for the
oleaginous crops, it also regulates the oxidation of indolacetic acid which, if in excess, produces leaf prezzemoloration and abnormalities in the tissues.

Method of use

Method of use:

I trattamenti ed i dosaggi sopra indicati si riferiscono alle usuali densità di impianto e a condizioni standard di fertilità del terreno. Nella preparazione di miscele aggiungere BORO KB19 per ultimo.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Foliage0,5-2 kg/ha
Foliage0,5-1,5 kg /ha
Foliage0,5-1 kg/ha
Foliage2-5 kg/ha
Foliage50 – 100 g/hl
Radical4-8 kg/haIn pre-emergenza o in pre-trapianto.


  • Hazard statements:

    H361d Sospettato di nuocere al feto.

Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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