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LIQUID INORGANIC CONCIME COMPOSED BASED ON MACROELEMENTS with trace elements, boron (B), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn)




Azoto (N) totale 12,5 % (p/v)
Azoto sotto forma nitrica 1,5 % (p/v)
Azoto sotto forma ammoniacale 2,5 % (p/v)
Azoto sotto forma ureica 8,5 % (p/v)
Anidride Fosforica (P2O5) totale 11,2 % (p/v)
Anidride Fosforica (P2O5) idrosolubile 11,2 % (p/v)
Anidride Fosforica (P2O5) solubile in citrato ammonico neutro 11,2 % (p/v)
Ossido di Potassio (K2O) idrosolubile 8,7 % (p/v)
Boro (B) etanolammina idrosolubile 0,06 % (p/v)
Rame (Cu) chelato con EDTA, idrosolubile 0,01 % (p/v)
Manganese (Mn) chelato con EDTA, idrosolubile 0,1 % (p/v)
Zinco (Zn) chelato con EDTA, idrosolubile 0,01 % (p/v)


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L

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Fluidunger 68® is a liquid foliar supplement that can also be used for fertigation use.
The range of use and the time of application are very broad in view of the balanced content of readily and fully assimilable macroelements, the preventive and curative action of micro deficiencies by the microelements present in the formulation in fully chelated form. Due to the balanced content of its constituents, Fluidunger 68® can be administered throughout the vegetative and productive cycle of the plant.

Method of use

Method of use:

Cominciare i trattamenti all’inizio del risveglio vegetativo e ripeterli ad intervalli regolari ogni 10-15 giorni fino alla raccolta.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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