GERMON® L is a liquid phytoregulator that due to the nature and concentration of active ingredient contained has been shown to be effective on most woody and semi-woody type cuttings for formation and increased root development. Because of its liquid formulation, it is especially suitable for professional applications. It is specifically designed for woody cuttings, and particularly so for vine cuttings.
Field of application and instructions
Fields of application
Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.
Employment | Dosage | Treatment |
Dive | 20 ml/L | Immergere la base delle talee in questa soluzione, per circa 2 cm, per un periodo di 30 minuti circa. Non si deve adoperare la stessa soluzione per due trattamenti. |
Dive | 20 ml/L | Immergere la base delle talee in questa soluzione, per circa 2 cm, per un periodo di 30 minuti circa. Non si deve adoperare la stessa soluzione per due trattamenti. |