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Macht sf is an inorganic micro-nutrient fertilizer designed to prevent and treat physiopathologies due to deficiency of major micro-nutrients used by plants. Microelements are involved in all metabolic processes such as, e.g., in root system formation, flowering, growth, etc., up to even leaf fall.

The product contains 1% nitrogen (N).




Rame (Cu) solubile in acqua, chelato con EDTA 0,3%
Manganese (Mn) solubile in acqua, chelato con EDTA 0,9 %
Molibdeno (Mo) solubile in acqua 0,02 %
Zinco (Zn) solubile in acqua, chelato con EDTA 1 %
Estratti vegetali, derivati glucosidici e vitamine del gruppo B


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L

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The presence of microelements chelated with EDTA makes Macht sf particularly suitable in both conventional and organic agriculture to prevent and treat physiopathologies and nutritional imbalances due to the low presence or unavailability of the main microelements used by plants. Microelements are essential during all stages of plant development and as cofactors of major biochemical reactions. They are involved in all metabolic processes such as in the formation of the root system, flowering, growth, etc., up to even leaf fall. The product is widely used in fruit growing, viticulture, horticulture and floriculture, eliminating the most common plant physiopathologies. The product can be used for both foliar and root treatments. Macht sf directly supplies nutrients:
– Improves the absorption capacity of nutrients. – Allows balanced plant development. – In flowering plants it can intensify petal coloration and induce prolonged flowering. The product contains 1% nitrogen (N).

Method of use

Method of use:

TRATTAMENTI PER VIA FOGLIARE: effettuare 3-5 trattamenti a cadenza settimanale nelle fasi più delicate di crescita come il trapianto, la fioritura e l’accrescimento

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare100 ml/hlTrattamenti settimanali
Fogliare100 ml/hlTrattamenti settimanali
Fogliare100 ml/hlTrattamenti settimanali
Fogliare100 ml/hlTrattamenti settimanali
Fogliare100 ml/hlTrattamenti settimanali


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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