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SaltGer LG is a liquid product prepared to solve all problems related to salinity and excess sodium in soils and at the same time provide an assimilable amount of calcium.

SaltGer LG corrects the two main problems that occur in saline and sodium saline soils: excess sodium ions and calcium deficiency.




Calcio (CaO) solubile in acqua 7,5 %
Calcio complessato con acido ligninsolfonico 7,5%
Anidride solforica (SO3) solubile in acqua 21,2%
Zolfo (S) 8,5 %
Acidi organici (agenti complessanti) 18 %


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L
2 x 10 L

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SaltGer LG is a liquid product prepared to solve all problems related to salinity and excess sodium in soils and bring in assimilable calcium at the same
Because of its composition (including, calcium complexed with organic acids and sulfur), all the elements work synergistically, enhancing the effect of each other
. SaltGer LG corrects the two main problems that occur in saline and sodium saline soils: excess sodium ions and calcium deficiency.
Plant development is difficult in these soils because:

  • In sodic soils, excess sodium ions negatively affect structure, aeration, permeability, and crust formation. These
    factors induce germination failures, low water and nutrient availability, and other alteration phenomena.
  • In saline soils, the excess of salts, in general, and of the sodium ion, in particular, generates the problems already described in sodic soils, and also the
    so-called physiological thirst, since salts reduce water uptake due to the high osmotic pressure in the soil.

SaltGer LG acts in the following mode of action:
Organic acids, linked to the clay-humus complex, increase the cation exchange capacity of the soil, reduce structural problems and
salinity. They also promote the development of soil microorganisms, proponents of improved soil aggregation and structuring, and serve
as a source of energy in many chemical-biological processes, such as sulfur oxidation. Sulfur, through chemical-
microbiological oxidation processes, results in the solubilization of sodium.
Calcium replaces sodium in soil cation exchange complexes, reducing the ESP (Exchangeable Sodium Percentage) value. This allows
the solubilization of sodium and its subsequent elimination by leaching, thus preventing the degradation of the aggregates of the

Method of use

Method of use:

SaltGer LG si somministra attraverso gli impianti di irrigazione sotto chioma, meglio se a goccia.
Per determinare più precisamente la dose di impiego, però, è opportuno conoscere i valori di EC (Conducibilità Elettrica).

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Radicale30-70 L/haPer terreni con una salinità media
Radicale30-70 L/haPer terreni con una salinità media
Radicale30-70 L/haPer terreni con una salinità media
Radicale30-70 L/haPer terreni con una salinità media


  • Hazard statements:

    H302 Nocivo se ingerito: H315 Provoca irritazione cutanea. H318 Provoca gravi lesioni oculari

Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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