WARNING: Late frosts are expected.

This week (4/26-1/5), throughout Italy, a sharp drop in temperatures is expected, even with frost. Among several effective methods to protect crops, we suggest the application, from now until even 6 hours before the temperature drop occurs, of CropAid AntiFrost, [EC CONCIME – Mixture of trace elements Boron (B)(Sodium), Copper (Cu)(EDTA), Iron (Fe)(EDTA), Manganese (Mn)(EDTA), Molybdenum (Mo)(Sodium), Zinc (Zn)(EDTA)]. The particular formulation induces the production of antifreeze proteins that enable crops to withstand persistent frost for several hours. If the frost period is prolonged, it is a good idea to repeat the treatment weekly. It is recommended, in any case, to make a cycle of 3 treatments, which can be made every 2 weeks if the warning ceases. This treatment has a stimulating action on the plant, which will more easily overcome the stress induced by the cold/freeze.