ALGA CA, due to the presence of concentrated extracts of seaweed of the genus Laminaria digitata and its high calcium content, is particularly suitable for preventing and treating numerous physiopathologies resulting from the unavailability of the element calcium. At the base of the product, there is a high endowment in alginates (for better nutrient delivery within the leaf), in vitamins and oligosaccharides (to increase resistance to environmental and physiological stresses) and in microelements.
ALGA Ca is effective against bitter pits in pome fruit, russeting in some varieties of nectarines and the appearance of fruit storage rot. On grapevines it prevents rachis desiccation and counteracts the development of sour rot. In tomatoes it reduces the incidence of apical rot, on lettuces endives and escaroles it eliminates browning and marginal necrosis of leaves. It is also very effective against apical desiccation in watermelon, physiological desiccation in melon, and rot in bell bell pepper and eggplant. It prevents black heart and splitting in celery and fennel.
On strawberry it improves the coloration of the fruit by preventing bleaching and increases its resistance to handling. In flowering plants it improves color characteristics by intensifying the color.