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Seaweed Mix® is a highly concentrated blend of extracts, concentrates and flour of two species of algae, Ascophyllum nodosum and Laminaria digitata. The two brown algae contain numerous substances useful for plant growth: more than 60 different nutrients, natural phytohormones, vitamins, enzymes, peptides, free amino acids, phytochromatic substances and carbohydrates.




Organic carbon (C) 6 %
Mannitol 9 g/L


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L
2 x 10 L

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Seaweed Mix® is a formulation with a very high concentration of Ascophyllum nodosum cream. Brown algae, to which the genera Ascophyllum and Laminaria belong, contain, in a metabolically active form, natural growth substances, vitamins, enzymes, peptides, peptones, free amino acids, alginates, oligosaccharides in addition to phytochromatic substances and carbohydrates of ready and complete assimilation, which explicate their efficacy both foliar and root. Seaweed Mix® positively affects the vegetative and productive development of plants and especially the quality of production. It improves plant resistance to imbalance or stress physiopathologies; increases the texture, color, and fragrance of productions; positively affects starch and sugar content; and finally, improves fruit storability and enhances nutrient uptake.

Method of use

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.
Fogliare1.5-2 L/haTo promote fruit set, fruit formation and growth. To improve coloration, increase pulp texture, dry matter content.


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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