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Alga FE consists of a mixture of extracts, concentrates and flour of algae of the genus Laminaria digitata, containing Iron.

Alga Fe is designed to rapidly transport the contained iron and reduce the incidence of pathophysiologies related to iron deficiency.




Iron (Fe), chelated with EDTA, water-soluble 5 %.
200 g/Kg plant biostimulant


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L

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ALGA Fe is a liquid product that, due to the presence of concentrated extracts of seaweed of the genus Laminaria digitata, and its high iron content, is particularly suitable for preventing and solving problems resulting from the unavailability of this element. At the base of the product is a high endowment in alginates (for better iron delivery within the leaf), vitamins and oligosaccharides (to increase resistance to environmental and physiological stresses). Alga Fe is used by foliar application in the treatment of plants suffering from ferric chlorosis, a physiopathy manifested by internerval yellowing of leaves, poor flower coloration, limited shoot development, and the presence of small and not very juicy fruits, resulting in production of poor quality and quantity. Iron, in fact, although used only in small quantities by plants, represents a vital element, as a constituent of various enzymes (cytochromes, catalase, etc.) that regulate oxidation-reduction processes, such as respiration, photosynthesis, and nitrate and sulfate reduction. In addition, in the absence or deficiency of iron, chlorophyll formation does not occur. Diagnostic characters of iron deficiency can be detected by observing the lattice veins of the youngest leaves, which sharply contrast in green color from the remaining leaf tissue, which progressively turns yellow as chlorosis becomes more pronounced, up to albinism. Alga Fe is used at any time of year as long as the crops are in full vegetative activity.

Method of use

Method of use:

Use by foliar application with a volume of water to ensure good foliar coverage. It improves quality characteristics.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare1-2 L/haMake multiple applications 15 days apart


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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