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BupHer 5 LG is a nitrogen- and phosphorus-based foliar fertilizer indicated for strengthening plant structure and improving plant hardiness. BupHer 5 LG has a pronounced acidifying action and the peculiarity of turning color in the solution depending on the pH reached. This phenomenon can be exploited for the efficiency of foliar treatments.

The product can be used with major pesticides, phytoregulators and fertilizers.




Azoto (N) totale 7,3 % (p/v)
Azoto sotto forma ureica 7,3 % (p/v)
Anidride fosforica (P2O5) totale 20,8 % (p/v)
Anidride fosforica (P2O5) idrosolubile 20,8 % (p/v)
Anidride fosforica (P2O5) solubile in citrato ammonico neutro 20,8 % (p/v)


12 x 1 L
4 x 4 L

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BupHer 5 LG is a fertilizer based on the macroelements nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) for foliar applications indicated in the early stages of development to strengthen plant structure and improve plant robustness, but it can be used throughout the entire crop cycle by virtue of the fact that it also possesses a strong acidifying action and the peculiarity
of changing color in the solution depending on the pH reached. From deep yellow to pink via orange: pH values between 6 and 4.5. This phenomenon can be exploited for the efficiency of foliar treatments. In fact, most foliar treatments reach maximum efficacy when the solution
of use assumes pH values around 4.5-5.5. These values can be achieved by acidifying the solution through the addition of BupHer 5 LG.
The product in solution is stable and can be used with major pesticides, phytoregulators and fertilizers.

Method of use

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare50-100 ml/hlTrattare a questo dosaggio nelle prime fasi colturali, fino a 300/500 ml/hl successivamente.<br /> Riempire l’atomizzatore con circa la metà del volume di acqua e, mantenendo sotto costante agitazione, aggiungere BupHer 5 LG fintanto che la soluzione da gialla diventa progressivamente di colore rosa-rosso uniforme. Versare i prodotti da utilizzare nell’acqua precedentemente acidificata: se dopo l’aggiunta del prodotto il colore della soluzione rimane invariato è sufficiente portare a volume con la rimanente parte di acqua. Se la soluzione torna di colore giallo<br /> è necessario aggiungere nuovamente il BupHer 5 LG.


  • Hazard statements:

    H314 Provoca gravi ustioni cutanee e gravi lesioni oculari

Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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