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CONCIME EC-Solution PK 30-20 fertilizer.




Anidride fosforica (P2O5) solubile in acqua 30 %
Ossido di potassio (K2O) solubile in acqua 20 %


12 x 1 kg
4 x 6 kg
2 x 15 kg

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GERFOS – K is a potassium and phosphorus formulation.

GERFOS – K is a product that finds application during the entire vegetative course of crops, and in particular its use is recommended in spring, autumn, and any other time when particular climatic conditions (after heavy rainfall, high humidity, etc.) or agronomic conditions (severe nutritional deficiency, etc.) require it. It can be used both by foliar and root application or even by immersion of root systems of tree and herbaceous crops.

Method of use

Method of use:

Il formulato non deve essere miscelato con prodotti alcalini, oli minerali. In caso di miscela con prodotti cuprici impiegare questi ultimi a metà dosaggio.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare200 – 300 ml/hlMinimo due trattamenti in primavera avanzata ed uno in autunno.
Fogliare200 – 300 ml/hlMinimo due trattamenti in primavera avanzata ed uno in autunno.
Fogliare200 – 300 ml/hlMinimo due trattamenti in primavera avanzata ed uno in autunno.
Fogliare200 – 300 ml/hlMinimo due trattamenti in primavera avanzata ed uno in autunno.
Fogliare200 – 300 ml/hlMinimo due trattamenti in primavera avanzata ed uno in autunno.
Fogliare200 – 300 ml/hlMinimo due trattamenti in primavera avanzata ed uno in autunno.


  • Hazard statements:

    H319 Provoca grave irritazione oculare

Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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