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Chonia Is a mycorrhizal inoculum. After application, rhizosphere bacteria, contained in it, initiate the development of special proteolytic fungi. This consortium of microorganisms allows the plant to increase the development of its root system through the production of new secondary roots, replacing damaged ones. Plants treated with Chonia, take on a deeper green color




Tipo di ammendante organico:
Ammendante semplice vegetale non compostato.
Contenuto in Micorrize: 1%
Contenuto in batteri della rizosfera: 10^9 u.f.c./g
Altri componenti: Il prodotto non contiene organismi geneticamente modificati ed organismi patogeni (salmonella, coliformi fecali, mesofili aerobici e uova di nematodi).


12 x 1 kg

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Chonia is an innovative mycorrhizal inoculum; the rhizosphere bacteria it contains enable the development of particular microorganisms that prefer high protein contents. Among them, especially in sandy, water-rich soils and during periods with high temperatures, proteolytic fungi develop. This consortium of microorganisms allows the plant to increase the development of its root system through the production of new secondary roots to replace damaged ones. Plants treated with Chonia, take on a deeper green color, due, as much to the production by the rhizospheric bacteria of hormone-like substances, as to the formation of siderophores, due to the supply of organic iron, readily available to the plant.

Method of use

Method of use:

Somministrare alla semina o al trapianto e ripetere il dopo 2-3 settimane. Effettuare ulteriori trattamenti in funzione del ciclo colturale e delle condizioni climatiche.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Radicale2-3 kg/hain tutte le colture orticole (ad es. pomodoro, peperone, zucchino, fragola, melone, ecc.), somministrare, possibilmente, prima del trapianto, o immediatamente dopo. Ripetere dopo 3-4 settimane.
Radicale2-3 kg/hain tutte le colture orticole (ad es. pomodoro, peperone, zucchino, fragola, melone, ecc.), somministrare, possibilmente, prima del trapianto, o immediatamente dopo. Ripetere dopo 3-4 settimane.
Radicale2-3 kg/hain tutte le colture orticole (ad es. pomodoro, peperone, zucchino, fragola, melone, ecc.), somministrare, possibilmente, prima del trapianto, o immediatamente dopo. Ripetere dopo 3-4 settimane.


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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