EG 118® is indicated in treatments of plants suffering from multiple micronutritional deficiencies. It is particularly effective in preventing and treating deficiencies (chlorosis, yellowing, branch dryness, suberosity and malformation of fruitlets, leaf necrosis of citrus, phylloptosis of almond and olive trees, stem brittleness and faded coloration of flowering crops). Rapidly improves the vegetative state of plants suffering from pest attacks. It prevents flower abortion and fruit drop. EG 118® finds application when deficiency manifestations of: Iron (progressive internerval chlorosis, total leaf yellowing, phylloptosis); Boron (“heart ache” in beet, “summit rot” in tobacco, apical bud necrosis, fruit pulp suberosity, apical meristem atrophy, stem and leaf brittleness); Manganese – Zinc – Copper (leaf necrosis, dwarfism, apical bud atrophy).
Fruit growing, horticulture, viticulture, olive growing, citrus growing, ornamental crops, floriculture, cereal growing, beet growing and industrial crops in general.