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N-BIOTRISSOL is an organic nitrogen fertilizer consisting of proteins, amino acids, peptides and peptones, vitamins, and organic substances designed to maximally facilitate biochemical processes essential for the formation of complex energy compounds that activate plant metabolism making them more responsive to all stress conditions whether physiological or due to pest attacks.




Azoto (N) organico 3,5 %
Ossido di potassio (K2O) solubile in acqua 5 %
Carbonio (C) organico di origine biologica 16 %


12 x 1 kg
2 x 12,8 kg

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N-BIOTRISSOL is a formulated complex based on active substances such as: proteins, amino acids, peptides and peptones, vitamins, and organic substances designed to facilitate to the maximum those biochemical processes essential for the formation of complex energy compounds that activate plant metabolism making them more responsive to all stress conditions whether physiological or due to pest attacks. The combinations of elements it contains, such as the glycine-betaine complex, are of great importance in controlling the energy exchange that occurs in the cell, promoting photosynthesis and sugar synthesis. Substances such as B vitamins, promoters of numerous key enzyme reactions, and phytohormones are contained in the product in a completely natural way.

  • It anticipates plant development.
  • Improves crop quality by increasing dry matter content.
  • Reduces transplant crisis.
  • It helps to overcome the phases of stress and physiological stagnation that occur at:
  • Spring frost
  • Pesticide treatments
  • Water stress from both excess and lack of water.

Method of use

Method of use:

Ideale nelle fasi di attiva crescita, per anticipare lo sviluppo delle piante o con i normali trattamenti antiparassitari di cui esalta il trasporto e l’efficacia.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl
Fogliare200-250 ml/hl


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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