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Specific action product. – Inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi.




Tipo di ammendante organico:
Ammendante vegetale semplice non compostato.
Contenuto in Micorrize: 1%
(Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices.)
Contenuto in batteri della rizosfera 10^10 UFC/g
Altri componenti: Il prodotto non contiene organismi geneticamente modificati ed organismi patogeni (salmonella, coliformi fecali, mesofili aerobici e uova di nematodi).


12 x 1 kg

Categories: , , ,


Terium consists of a combination of synergistically acting microorganisms capable of attacking insoluble phosphorus in the soil and making it available to the plant, and bacteria capable of fixing nitrogen. The action of these microorganisms improves soil fertility by increasing, on the one hand, the availability of nutrients in particularly “heavy” soils and, on the other, by contributing to the development of secondary roots (mycorrhization) capable of exploring a greater volume of soil.

Terium has an excellent stimulating and greening effect on vegetation due to its ability to produce siderophores and make high amounts of iron available.

Method of use

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Radical2-3 kg/haAd inizio della stagione vegetativa, ripetere, secondo necessità subito dopo la fioritura
Radical2-3 kg/haPrima del trapianto e ripetere ad inizio fioritura
Radical4 kg/haNel terreno prima di semina o trapianto
Radical100 g/m3Mescolare con il substrato


    Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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