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SEVENGIB® (GA4+7 0.96%)

SEVENGIB Is a plant growth regulator based on the natural Gibberellins GA7 and GA4, obtained by fermentation, the application of which on peaches and nectarines, is able to influence the intensity of flowering in the following season and, consequently, helps to regulate fruit load and improve fruit size. In the year of application, fruit firmness may be increased and soluble solids levels may be slightly retarded in some varieties.

N. Registrazione

Reg. n. 17914 del 31/01/2024 del Min. Salute




Gibberellins (A7 and A4) pure 0.96 g (10 g/l)
Coformulants q.b. to 100 g


4 x 5 L

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SEVENGIB is a phytoregulator based on the natural Gibberellins GA7 and GA4, which are obtained by fermentation and occur naturally in plants, the application of which on peaches and nectarines, is able to influence the intensity of flowering in the following season and, consequently, help regulate fruit load and improve fruit size. SEVENGIB should be applied during the bud induction/initiation stages. The stage depends on the variety. Other parameters, such as the distribution of light in the canopy (and thus the vigor of the tree and the training system) influence the onset of the induction phase as well as their distribution in a vegetative or reproductive direction. The classic time of application is normally from about 60 days after full flowering to 75-90 days after full flowering. In the year of application, fruit firmness may be increased and soluble solids levels may be slightly delayed in some varieties.

Method of use

Method of use:

Treatment volume should be adjusted to ensure uniform leaf and shoot coverage. The higher dosage of SEVENGIB provides maximum efficacy, so it is always recommended to test the lower dosage first on a few rows for initial use or when treating a new variety. Also, use of the lower dosage is recommended in areas where late frosts occur. The higher dose and double applications are recommended mainly in very vigorous varieties with very high thinning requirements. Double applications are preferred in situations of uneven light distribution in the canopy, systems with long branches (e.g., tree training in established orchards). In varieties and orchards with low thinning requirements use the lowest dosage and a single application.

Field of application and instructions

Fields of application


Select the reference crop to view details of use, dosage and treatment.

Fogliare0.5-1 L/hl1 application with a spray volume of 500-1500 L/ha over the whole plant at BBCH 72-77
Fogliare0.5-1 L/hl1 application with a spray volume of 500-1500 L/ha over the whole plant at BBCH 72-77
Fogliare0.5-1 L/hl1 application with a spray volume of 500-1500 L/ha over the whole plant at BBCH 72-77


  • Hazard statements:

    EUH401 To avoid risks to human health and the environment, follow the directions for use.

Pursuant to Article 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) before concluding the purchase contract, you are required to read the hazards associated with the product.

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