TransPar® is a fluid gel, for applications on the exterior roof of greenhouses and tunnels, that can effectively reflect infrared rays and reduce the temperature inside the structures. On sunny days, the heat inside the greenhouses is reduced by about 10°C. TransPar® does not interfere with regular plant growth because it lets photosynthetically active radiation pass through. For these reasons, plants inside greenhouses protected with TransPar® have a more compact appearance than plants grown in greenhouses protected with common shading agents. TransPar® is diluted with water and forms a homogeneous, transparent film on the surface of the greenhouse. TransPar® can be used on all types of greenhouses: glass, polycarbonate and plastic without endangering structures and eaves channels. A single application at the beginning of the season is sufficient. TransPar® Is odorless, nonhazardous to users and contains no environmentally harmful substances. It is more than 90% biodegradable in one year and can be used in organic farming.