MicroLINE by L. Gobbi srl

Over the past few years, the growing ecological awareness of L. Gobbi S.r.l., resulting from the observation of natural phenomena, has led to the company’s orientation toward the production of sustainable technical means suitable for use in organic and/or integrated agriculture.

MicroLINE was born out of the need not to alter ecological balances and to make, however, healthy and high productions possible.

How to do this except by asking nature itself for help?

From collaboration with national and international research institutes comes the MicroLINE, based on mycorrhizal inocula. Consisting of microorganisms (mainly fungi), already naturally present in healthy soils, capable of creating a mutualistic symbiosis with plant roots. Mycorrhized plants will be healthier, vigorous, productive and therefore also more resistant to stresses caused by biotic and abiotic factors

All strains of microorganisms used are GMO free and are not harmful to humans, plants or the environment.

Liquid: for better solubilization in fertigation.
Microgranular and suspendable powder: for better mixing with substrates

Healthier crops and production
Well-developed root systems and balanced plant growth

Increased yields
Optimization of the fertilization program: increased nutrient uptake and greater resistance to environmental stresses

Our products are always made up of consortia of microorganisms that exploit the synergy between different microorganisms for greater efficacy and persistence in the soil, even under less than ideal conditions.

Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are promoters of plant development, valuable allies that live and grow around the roots colonizing them, releasing useful substances, such as phytohormones responsible for cell division and distension, which stimulate root growth and thus the aerial system.

Mycorrhizae, on the other hand, provide the plant with important help in absorbing water and certain nutrients, which are otherwise difficult to use, that they take from the soil with their mycelium. The mycelium of these very important fungi extends enormously, and is essential for exploring the volume of soil surrounding the root. This increases the absorptive efficiency of the root itself. Mycorrhizae develop on almost all roots of plants of agricultural interest: apple, pear, peach, apricot, actinidia, grapevine, olive, citrus, strawberry, tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, artichoke, potato, asparagus, basil, zucchini, tobacco, sunflower, wheat, corn, barley, etc…


ASPERIUM, TILLIS, CHONIA, VERIAN AND TIXYLRadical healthFluidRoot biostimulation through the activity of actinomycetes
BASIDIUMActive even at low temperaturesSuspensible powderActive even at low temperatures
TERIUMPhosphorus mobilizationFluidProduction of siderophores and solubilization of phosphorus salts
PRISTINUS and VITAKTIV PGActivatorFluidImproves soil fertility by the presence of PGPR and actinomycetes