Phyto- and photo-protectant that prevents the occurrence of physiopathologies related to high temperatures and excessively intense solar radiation (sunburn). The product creates a film that hinders the passage of harmful solar radiation by significantly lowering the temperature. The product should be used as a preventive measure whenever climatic circumstances are expected to favor dehydration and the occurrence of burns on the epidermis of fruits or leaves. It is a calcium fertilizer-corrective, nonabrasive on fruits, harmless to useful fauna and the operator, and provides useful calcium for fruit preservation after harvest. Sunlight while essential for plant health and development can, if excessively intense, create tissue damage, particularly in fruits, with burns and/or browning of the epidermis. Sunburning of fruits results in significant economic losses to growers each year. Depending on temperatures, we can distinguish two types of damage: necrosis and browning. The former occurs when the temperature of the fruit (which does not correspond to that of the air) exceeds 52 °C. The heat causes thermal death of epidermal and subepidermal cells inducing the formation of a necrotic spot on the side of the fruit exposed to the sun. Browning, on the other hand, occurs at fruit temperatures around 46-49 °C and does not result in necrosis but more simply causes the formation of yellow to bronze or brown spots on the sun-exposed side of the fruit. Applications of SunStop LG can reduce the temperature of the fruit’s epidermis by decreasing the incidence of infrared rays responsible for raising the temperature and ultraviolet rays. Thus, SunStop LG reduces damage to fruits, leaves, and plants due to excessive exposure to sun and heat.